Friday, June 10, 2011

dancepiece: spamashup

Dear Friend, I --for

his direction as regards this
mission-- have to thank God.

God it is who wants me.
I am Director of Operations.

I am here--
byseeking your advice.

Your services will be paid, you will be a partner, if
you and your words are acceptable. I know you maybe

wondering how I got your contact. I am
not risky for futures. I know it is advisable

to invest in foreign land and secretly wait.
My condition, having become so critical,

for security purposes, due to interception,
shall not accept or acknowledge calls. Out

to a Christian sister who assisted me
I reached, in order to utilize wealth.

Should you be of interest further, I would
prefer you to reach me soon and finally.

After that I shall provide you
with more contact. The way I am

going, even the consulate doesn't know
the regard. I intend to contact you.

It has been revealed that you can make
judicious resources for purposes currently.

I am sending you mail from my bed.
My husband in the hospital earned

a large undisclosed sum but died.
I am due soon. Also, my infertility

resulted from a medical God.
I believe in reasons for you

to contact my lawyer, for my lack
of heirs, everything; he will inform

on you. Please you must reach
to him. For greater fulfillment

of my last wish,
please deliver the rest

to You who are
Blessed. My most

warm sincerity, Helen.

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